After work, went to bank for business.
Didn't even make it in the door.
Hobo asleep in bank.
Ahhh...only in Scarborough.
Last night went outside.
When accosted by RACCOON.
Was blocked in at side entrance, by cars in the driveway.
Just me and a raccoon in an area the size of a large bathroom.
Needless to say, decided I was going to stay in for the evening.
Broke lent today.
Although, technically, no lent on Sundays.
I am going to hell in a handbasket.
I hope you're happy, Satan.
I INDULGED in coffee w/ Irish whisky and whipped cream, LINDT chocolate, and my FAV Cadbury mini eggs.
I feel so bad and dirty.
BTS 2mor. (back to school...and I feel soooooo unaccomplished...)
Thinking... that since no one is REALLY reading this, I will chronicle a week in the life of Veronica, Pro-crastinator to the stars. Could be boring. Thinking I should start this NEXT Monday, cause the first week back really won't be an accurate measure of my life, seeing that I am caught up on sleep, and in a chillllll mood.
and, am hyped-up on caffeine.
Damn you Lucifer.
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