Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I don't recall the one where Carrie went to the free-clinic...

It's a rite of passage and a necessary reality for any sexually active woman in the city.

That's righty-o, faithful readers. Tomorrow, I'm treckin' to the free-clinic for my "yearly" HIV and STI testing.

All in the name of "research".

My rational self assures me that I have nothing to worry about.

But the worry-wort in me? Well that's a different story.
One in four people have some sort of the herpes virus. Now I won't bore you with my numbers, but statistically, I should've contracted herpes by now.

(Didn't get the HPV vaccine. Doctor said there was really no point once you've had X amount of partners. Of course, Doctor thinks my number is somewhere in the 3 range. Let's go with that.)

We were discussing herpes over dinner (appropriate? why not?) and people's common misconceptions. Really, I think it's people's ignorance and stupidity that contributes to the spread of STIs.

Then Irish and I realized that we weren't even clear on herpes. We knew it was transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, what it looked like and that even a condom wasn't 100% effective. We knew you could be a carrier and not even know show symptoms. We also knew that you can transmit the disease even if you're not having a break out.

A lot of people don't know these facts.

And they should.

Because herpes is a lifetime commitment!

But our question was, can herpes be transmitted through bodily fluids? (The question posed, at the dinner table being, and I quote, 'if a dude were to cum on a chick's pussy, could she get herpes that way?')

So, naturally, we went back to the newsroom, to research... herpes!!

Which probably was not the best thing to research the day before my STI test.

What would you do if you had HIV? Or, herpes, for that matter? Your sex life would never be the same, ever again. Jeez, any STI would be scary, even if treatable. Especially the scariest STI of all... BABY!

So, I just need to freak-out a little. Then I can walk around all smug and self-congratulating afterwords. Or, good thing I have health benefits?

Stay tuned for the results show. While you wait, get yourself tested at the Hassle Free Clinic.

Or, just google "free clinic Toronto" (or whatever city you live in).

Maybe I'm going to turn this blog from sexy to sexual-educationy.

Oh, you were expecting music or something? Not a herpes video to freak the shit out of you and motivate you to get your butt down to the clinic with me?

Ok, here's your reward for getting tested. Now, you are on the honour system here. But here ya go.

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