Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Got lost in a space/time continuum

I last posted on September 30th, buuuuut I only finally paid my rent today, so I guess it's still October 1st in my mind.

Jeeze I'm hyperventalating...

Where is the time going?

School... is almost halfway done!
I feel like I'm falling behind.
Or just barely meeting deadline, actually.

Here's what I've been doing instead of blogging:

1. Being sick with the nastiest cold I've ever had. And I am sick and tired of oil of oregano, strange hot beverage concoctions and not being able to sleep through the night
2. I did spend my entire Thanksgiving Monday (one of the few-and-far-between days of my life where I had no school and no work) sleeping for 18 hours. No shit. Also took an aimless thinking drive around the city wasting gas and blaring trance and hiphop. Then I worked on learning the dance to Beyonce's Single Ladies music video.
3. Writing stories and getting minimal school work done
4. A lot of fucking family dinners. Jeeze, delightful times had by all, but they really tend to take up a lot of time.
5. Fantasia Party
6. Working
7. Laundry

Shit though, I need to get some productivity jusices flowing, cause I'm starting to panic.

But I know what yall came here for, and here it is...

Oh no, that wasn't it?

Oh.. the "reseach", yes. The report card: exceeds expectations.

I guess I've been busy doing other things too...

Seriously that video is boss.

New favourite words: boss, terrible, oawmiegawd, lordy and concoction.

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