Sometimes, you just have a killer night.
And, well, sometimes killer nights just can't be shared on ones blog.
But this glass of red wine is urging me to spin a yarn. But, you'll have to fill in some of the blanks for yourself.
Well, folks. I've had my first American. And my third John*.
It's come down to this.
I've been making out with boys for ten years now. Ten. A decade.
But three John's*? Really?
In less than a month, I'll be 26. 25 will be done, I'll have to grow up.
I am feeling old. I've been hanging out with people in their 30's. And I fit in... sure, I'm young... but I can count thirty-somethings as my peers. Because soon, I will be 30-something.
Hanging out with my pal Thrifty, last weekend, I got to meet her partner. He's 32, and just came home after a few beers, and was shocked that he didn't get carded. But, really, a 32 year-old shouldn't look like a teenager. There's nothing wrong with looking 32.
And 25 was a gooooood year. I've never had such fun. It was non-stop amazingness from March to January. and now, BAM. It's March, again. And we're gearing up. Soon, it's ma bee-daay. And I may be getting old, but I am getting experienced. Ya, blah, blah, blah... journalism.
But I'm talking about, ex-peer-ee-anse.
10 years, of makin' out with boys. 10 years of driving. 10 years of drinking. Heck, 10 years of weed. 10 years of retail.
10 years, baby. And what have I got to show for it?
Please, let that hang, rhetorically. I don't really want to answer this question.
And then, I eff this boy, and realize, heck, I love sex. What am I doing being all nun-like.
And then I start blogging about it, and realize, I shouldn't be blogging about it.
So I'm gonna do a little to be continued... and see if I can find some red wine. It's like a choose-your-own-adventure.
If you want Veronica to find some red wine and tell you all the nitty-gritty-details of her hanky-panky and shenanigans, go back and read the post from yesterday.
If you want Veronica to find tequilla and tell you all of her secrets, then turn to the post on Nov. 12, 2012.
If you want Veronica to drink a glass of chocolate milk and post a hand-drawn thank-you card to her new-pal Thrifty, then turn to the post for tomorrow.
To be continued...
*Name has been changed to protect the privacy of the American. As for the other two, my facebook stalking tells me that one is now married, and the other, soon to be.
i'm dying. but dying happie. xoxo