Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blogging: Now with more Bullshit.

With a gun against my head, I am contributing to our class' bullshit multiplatform blog, that is nothing more than a walking joke, for a class that I rarely attend, and a teacher without any qualifications, whatsoever. (He's the mulitiplatform journalism teacher. He doesn't know how to work a video camera. The multiplatform journalism teacher cannot use one of the platforms of the media. No biggie. Who's really watching video anyways. AUDIO IS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE!!!) So, you can click here to go to the site. I'd rather you not. I'm aware no one reads this site, but that's really due to lack of marketing. No one should visit the multiplat site, due to lack of good journalism. Oh, but for a laugh, check THIS STORY out. Lol, this chick works at the Toronto Star, and thinks she's thebombdiggidy!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Did a 1 hour interview with Julian Sher, who wrote a book about Steven Truscott. The recorder recorded dead air. After we tested it. Successfully. I have random test conversation with Aileen recorded. FML Wen to the bank to drop off the deposit. Hobo was asleep on the floor. We decided to go in... with an $800 deposit. I dialled 911 in anticipation. We went into the bank, and the hobo arose. He screamed, "What the fuck are you guys doing in here." In all the excitement, I hit send on my phone, and called 911. I told them the situation, and they said they'd transfer me to the police. Instead, they hung up on me. FML I'm doing a research project, "How to interview the wrongfully convicted" Tomorrow, Vanessa and I are interviewing Harold Levy, a retired journalist who now blogs about The Dr. Charles Smith case and other wrongfully convicted cases. Aileen found him on facebook. He invited us into his home for the interview. He's lured us there with free bagels. If Vanessa and I go missing, remember, Harold Levy should be RIGHTFULLY accused. Or Aileen. She arranged the whole meeting. She's Irish, and cannot possibly go out tomorrow moring for an interview. FML? We'll see

Monday, March 15, 2010

Random happenings

After work, went to bank for business. Didn't even make it in the door. Hobo asleep in bank. Ahhh...only in Scarborough. Last night went outside. When accosted by RACCOON. Was blocked in at side entrance, by cars in the driveway. Just me and a raccoon in an area the size of a large bathroom. Needless to say, decided I was going to stay in for the evening. Broke lent today. Although, technically, no lent on Sundays. I am going to hell in a handbasket. I hope you're happy, Satan. I INDULGED in coffee w/ Irish whisky and whipped cream, LINDT chocolate, and my FAV Cadbury mini eggs. I feel so bad and dirty. BTS 2mor. (back to school...and I feel soooooo unaccomplished...) Thinking... that since no one is REALLY reading this, I will chronicle a week in the life of Veronica, Pro-crastinator to the stars. Could be boring. Thinking I should start this NEXT Monday, cause the first week back really won't be an accurate measure of my life, seeing that I am caught up on sleep, and in a chillllll mood. and, am hyped-up on caffeine. Damn you Lucifer.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Potty conversations?

Random telephone convo with my boss today at work. Me: Reitmans, Smart Centre, Veronica speaking. Boss: It's me. Me: Oh hey. Boss: You got a minute? Me: Yep. What's up. Boss: Can you go to the bathroom. Me: Sure (thinking...uhhh...???) (Walk to bathroom with cordless phone. Awkward silence ..... Finally...) Me: Uh. Can I ask why you need me to go to the bathroom? Boss: (laughs) I need to to tell me what's on the health and safety board

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring break... what break?

So it's spring break, and I've been waaaay to busy to post anything. At least it feels like spring. Monday: flip flops, sunglasses, a patio, and a pint.....AHHHHH!!! Working on so much... Observer online: finish story (done) find 2 stories for next cycle. Observer print: TDSB school board meeting (tonight) Synchronized skating Write column Radio: write newscast (has to be mon night/tues morn) voicer...perhaps the synchronized skate? Multi-plat: stupid lame zoo story Magazine: O Canada changes Interviewing: contact the wrongfully accused. Plus my apartment is a disaster zone, my hair is a fright, TAXES, find a JOB, I'm working, and what else?? No time to even procrastinate! Wanted to publish my work on the bloggy this week... but stay tuned.. it'll be worth it, faithful reader!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spring Break WOOOHOOO!

Today is the first official day of spring break. And I'm exhausted. I have sooooo much work to do, with school and cleaning this chamber of horrors I call my apartment. So don't expect long posts. It's spring break. I'm busy. I'll stop procrastinating... NOW!!

I'm a twat

I feel like such a sell out. I got a twitter account. To follow Conan Obrien. But things started to spiral out of control. I'm now following a cagillion news organizations and politicians. What a delightful procratination tool. So now that i'm tweeting on twitter, does that make me a twat??

Friday, March 5, 2010

Harnessing the ellusive story

So I needed a second story for my online cycle at The Toronto Observer Saturday night I was at Cathy Perry's 50th birthday party, when random dude mentioned It's a trip planning website, unaffiliated with the TTC. Could it be a story? So I started telling people about it, and excitement was building, until Vanessa burst my bubble by asking if it was like TTC's Trip Planner Crap. I never knew TTC had a trip planner. I'm from the days when you would call a hotline, and a surly operator would tell you where to go. And where to stick it. So I played with the sites. Starting point: home. Destination: work. A simple route, and one that I've taken numerous times. gave me my tried and true route, timing was pretty accurate and allowed for walking time. Perfect. But what did the TTC have to say? 5 minutes. Same route as (which would take 25 minutes total), however, I would only need 5 minutes according to the TTC. I usually drive to work. And it has NEVER taken me 5 minutes. Maybe 7 minutes if I hit all the green lights, whiz 70 km/hr up Birchmount in a 50 zone, and had absolutely no traffic on the road...(ah...sweet Sunday mornings...) If I can't do it in 5 minutes in my car, how does the TTC expect a rumbling bus to do it, and make the necessary stops in between? OK. Let's try another experiment. Let's not get excited yet. Starting point: home. Destination: school. Typed the exact same info into both planners. provided a logical route. TTC trip planner, on the other hand, told me that my school did not exist near any transit routes. Uhh... TTC Directions to the Centre for Creative Communications: From Broadview station, take the 62 Mortimer bus right to the campus (Carlaw/Mortimer). From Pape station, take the 25 Don Mills or the 81 Thorncliffe Park bus to Mortimer and walk one block west to Carlaw Ave. Otherwise, the campus is a 10 minute walk north from Pape station NOW, I had a story. Stay tuned to part deux... passive aggressive emails and technology malfunctions!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CBC embraces multiplatform journalism

Cathy Perry (right) poses at the Finch Bailey Bridge with my mother, Penny Blake, circa 1977.
When Cathy Perry was asked to speak to journalism students at Centennial College about multiplatfrom journalism, she was afraid she'd bore them to tears. Cathy Perry went to high school with my mother. But more importantly, she works as the planning desk editor at the CBC's hub. "It's the centre of intelligence for CBC news," Perry said. The hub consists of 3 desks: for planning, live now, and daily news. This gives journalists a single point of contact. Multiplatform journalism is where the industry seems to be going. The hub speeds up communication, which is necessary in a profession with shrinking deadlines. Perry showed us a video about the hub, spoke for a few minutes, and then opened up the floor to our questions. Perry used the example of the disaster in Haiti to illustrate how the hub works. I finally feel like I know what multiplatform journalism looks like in action. And am reassured that the CBC won't expect me to grow a third arm in order to file a story for online, radio and TV all in the same day. And none of us were bored. At least not to tears.

Where the ladies at?

Well I forgot the most important news of the day. My first online story for the Toronto Observer is UP on the web! I'm going viral! Click here here here HERE HERE HERE to see it! Its about the underrepresentation of females in Toronto municipal politics. Shoot, maybe I should talk more about that later as well. This blog is spiralling out of control.

I'm allready envisioning my future office

For our February 5th issue of the East Toronto Observer I was a production editor. Our faculty coordinator, Lindy gave me a colour printout of the front page. My immediate thought: Yay! I'll have something to hang in my day. Second thought: Shit. I'm going to have to frame this. Third thought: What a wonderful new project to procrastinate on. We put out a pretty damn good issue, if I do say so myself... I'll figure out a way to post it on the blog... after much procrastination. Am also teaching a production workshop to some TDCB kiddies over my reading week. Because I really have too much free time on my hands, I need to throw another ball into the air! Oh, and just an FYI, loyal readers (haha). I will be posting a homework assignment tonight. For my multiplatform journalism class, Cathy Perry from the CBC gave a presentation to my class. Incidentally, she went to high school with my mother, and crazier still, I went to Cathy's 50th birthday party the next day.

Whoa. I'm getting the hang of this Interweb Thingamajiggy

I know how to link I feel so accomplished. I'm feeling ambitious, so I'm gonna try to schedule this post for tomorrow. Which, if I am successful in my mission, you will be reading this today. And today will be yesterday. WHOA! I've travelled backwards in time, faithful readers. (Oh.. wait.. what readers!) Now, back to procrastination.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Jersey Boys: Colassal Disappointment

So me and me mum went to see Jersey Boys on Saturday. The tickets were free. I'm not usually a "reviewer" per say, but I excel at ranting, so here it goes... Well the theatre was lovely, very classy. It played at the Toronto Centre for the Arts in North York. Our seat were awesome, front row of the balcony, near centre. (Although I prefer SECOND row of balcony because I fear heights!!) It begun with a french-rap version of 'Oh, What a Night'. The acoustics left much to be desired. I needed subtitles. And... it just went downhill from there. The story is told by the four members of the Four Seasons. Their "New Jersey" accents were grating, right from the get-go. It was not a musical in the true sense of the word, where there are seamless transitions between music and song. Basically, a member would narrate a brief version of events, at a break-neck pace, and then the boys would break into song, but in a 'performance' context. (ie. at a club, American Bandstand, etc.) They managed to tell the story from the early conception of the group, to break up, and reunion. Impressive for a three hour show. However, we never really got much depth to the characters. I never felt emotion during the sad parts, because I simply didn't have a chance to form an emotional connection. There were no set changes. Even at the second act. There were very few props used. All in all, I felt like I was at some 2-bit operation, not the much lauded Jersey Boys. Now, I love the music from the era, and have been a fan of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. However, the singing just wasn't up to par. They weren't even dancing at the same time, so I don't know what their excuse is, other than they are substandard performers. The low light of the performance was The Angels' rendition of "My Boyfriend's Back". OH GOD. Ladies, please oh please, open your mouth when you're singing, and breathe and push with your diaphragm. They just fell flat. Something cool was the incorporation of instruments on the stage, from drums and a beautiful grand piano, and a marching horn section. There was a lot of raunchy humour: DON'T BRING THE KIDDIES! Bob Guido lost his virginity to a prostitute, albeit, off stage. There were prostitutes in skimpy garments, a lot of fucks, and mobsters. My mom gave it a 3 out of 5. But she also agreed that she was glad the tickets were free. My Opinion (out of 5) Costumes: 3 Sets: 1 Music: 4.5 Singing: 2.5 Plot: 1.5 Acting: 3.5 Accents: 1 Jokes: 2 OVERALL: 3 out of 5 I would not recommend this. I honestly think that there is so much hype, because people who do not normally attend the theatre are seeing it. So, in a way it's good that more people are getting out to the theatre that normally wouldn't. Plus, it's a guy-friendly show. Tickets are relatively cheap. You can make up your own mind! Just to give myself some credibility, here are the shows I've seen in years past, and loved every one: Mirvish: Phantom of the Opera, Lion King, Mamma Mia, Dirty Dancing Stratford: West side Story (which was cheaper, and lower budget, I'm sure!) Shaw: Getting Married, The Circle, Arms and the Man, You Never Can Tell Check out the Jersey Boys website! Make up your own damn mind.