In October, election night, I signed up for a Google Analytics account. So I could monitor you scoundrels.
Then, completely forgot about it. Until last night. Where I completed the final step in the sign-up process.
So, in short, all of your moves are being tracked, as we speak.
I can seeeeee you!
Also, have double the amount of readers I thought I had... huh...
Also, who the hell is still using Internet Explorer? You realize that Mozilla Firefox is far superior, less likely to be hacked, and most importantly, free?
Also, Olá to my Brazilian readers.
Heard this song on my lunch break... love Frankie Valli... but the lyrics are really depressing... (usually my song selection is 'telling' but this is just some good clean fun with The Four Seasons)
Whoops. Just revealed my secrets... (don't go back to past posts...!)
I'm having a hard time finishing this post...
So I just deleted it all... Barg.
In short... it was a deja vu-filled weekend. Which tends to fuck with my head. *cry for help*
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