Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Still accepting applications...

Good news! Tonight I assembled my "team alpha" in preparation for the end of the world. 10 people made the cut.

There are, literally, 10 people in my life that I would want to try and hack it with in a post-apocalyptic society.

(If curious... Thrifty, Irish, Brown, Grey, Silver, The Biebs, Sky, Irish Senior, Emm-double-you... you've been selected for your skills, strength, bravery, hilariousness and attractiveness)

(That's only nine, isn't it... you can assume you're the 10th ;)

In other news... I'm really into reading Mormon Mommy blogs right now.

How is this song equally awesome, whether I'm weepy and depressed or jubilant and content?

Also, need a tuxedo.


  1. Mormon Mommy blogs? I'm intrigued to see what you're talking about. Also because I can't figure out why?

  2. It's the Mommy-blog genre, but the mommies are Mormon. They usually have multiple babies, perfect husbands, perfect kids, perfect houses. They eat properly, pray, are active, crafty, economical, thrifty, generous... basically, perfect. A little too perfect? Here, read this article. Also, a shit-load of links are included!!
