Friday, August 27, 2010

Best birth-control ever..

You know, sometimes I worry I won't have anything to blog about. And then some kid pulls the fire alarm at work. When the fire alarm is pulled, the entire building is subject to the incessant, high-decible noise. And we can't turn it off. We have to wait for the fire department to come. What a waste. "I can't wait to have kids of my own, so that I can beat them," I joke. This is a pretty regular occurance. Of course, this is only the second time that my store has been the culprit. I think that finally, I have a parenting solution. What is the proper punishment? I would make my kid wait in the store, forcing on them the same head-ache that customers and clerks face. I would make them personally appologize to every last person in the store. Later, I would take them to some sort of educational fire-station excursion. And I would teach them why false alarms are bad, and what the potential consequences could be (ie. a building burning down, people dying, etc.) I would take them into a burn-unit, where the shit is real. But most importantly, I would proactively teach my kids to "see with their eyes, and not their hands" and just generally not to touch anything that doesn't belong to them. I would've appreciated an appology. Not simply, the parents asking if they can leave. Better than the last time, when the child got whoopped outside.

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