Friday, February 26, 2010

Poor neglected blog

I have a serious problem with procrastination.

I started this blog to give me something productive to procrastinate with.

But I find I procrastinate from posting something new.

Its not like my life is boring. Quite the opposite. Maybe I don’t know where to begin.

I never follow through on things, and it looks like this poor little bloggy will just be another hit on my mounting list of failures.

I’m disproportionately depressed.

X-Men Origins: Veronica

Here is the song that my mother named me for. Enjoy!

Wreckless Eric was some indie artist in the 80’s. My mom heard it and fell in love with the name Veronica. When she became pregnant with me, she decided to name her baby Veronica, without even knowing the sex. Damn good thing I was a girl!

But I have never heard this song in my entire life until tonight! He’s not findable on itunes or even youtube…until TONIGHT.

And ya, my parents totally loved this guy. Yet they didn’t own his reord. They had some cassette tape of this song, which they ended up taping over (oh, the 80’s, I miss tapes!)

I dunno…I feel like I understand myself better now…cool song tho, I have to say. Can’t believe my mother liked THIS

I have a face for radio

I dreaded taking a radio class. I hate my voice. Its squeaky and I mumble and talk too fast and trip over words.

But, put a mic in front of me, and magic happens.

Out comes this sexy, smooth, professional voice, that I wish I could harnass in my day-to-day life.

Today. I conquer the Interweb

I guess I am a late bloomer. My family didn’t get a computer until 1997. We didn’t have the internet until 1999, and even then it was crazy-slow dial-up. I didn’t really have email or IM until 2000, when I was 16. And my brother continued to monopolize the computer, with World of Warcraft. When I moved out, I couldn’t afford a computer. I have been using borrowed computers and stolen internet access. But today. I am a grown-up. I am officially online, and writing this post in the comfort of no pants. Ah…the constrants of pants really limit ones creativity on the interweb. But at last I can blog, pants-free.

Ya. And I totally don’t know what I’m doing half the time on the computer. Which is HILARIOUS considering my boss and parents think that I am some sort of expert!

So, I’m gonna try my best with this lil blog. And today I figured out how to enter a link properly…hahaha!

Ya, I have a blog.

So this is my first non-anonymous blog. I’m trying to ENHANCE my online “presence”.

Really, I’m just procrastinating. I have to write an article for The Courier (Centennial College’s newspaper). Due TOMORROW. And it’s just not coming.

I accidentally pitched the idea to the feature’s editor Dan Heyman. One Sunday evening I was reading The Saturday Star (my backwards tradition). And I came upon this article about Michael Ignatieff that was just fascinating. And I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Then I realized…HEY! There’s a story here! But WHERE! But HOW?

So I texted Heyman, basically telling him to check the article out, that it was really interesting, and could make a great feature in the student newspaper.

He texted back. ‘Great. Write it for me!’

Baaahhh…I was NOT prepared for that!

And now here I am. Such a PRO-crastinator. That instead of my usual work-evasion technique of blog-hopping, I’ve created my own! AND instead of actually writing my article, I’m telling randoms in the virtual-realm about the article that I’m not writing.

It’s OK tho. I’m in my parent’s basement, and my brother keeps telling me to get back to work. Now that he hears the clickity-clack of the keyboard, he figures that I’m actually being productive. Veronica, you tricksty minx.

So the Star article? Here’s the part I found interesting:

Ignatieff went on a cross-country tour of university campuses. In an online Q&A he mentioned the IDEA (NOT platform!) of





Holey Moley. I’d do it.

That’s what she said.

Link to original article:–ignatieff-hitting-the-books

Ya, I have a blog. Redux

So... I decided that I'm not a fan of wordpress. So here I am on Blogger. But I feel like it's a fresh start, a new beginning. So I'm just gonna throw up my measly four posts from wordpress. Then NO ONE will know how neglected old-blog was. Diabolical!