Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mmmm... gravy.

All I ever think about is sex.

And elections.

I think I blog about sex far too often. So I'll give the people what they want.

Here's what I've been working on the past few days...

Pitfield doubts she’ll run again after Ward 29 loss | The Toronto Observer

And more shameless self-promotion...

Veronica Blake reports on Jane Pitfield’s loss in Ward 29 | Centennial onDemand

And fuck, I'm too wiped to continue. Here's the cole's notes version.

1. Gravy is SO delicious.
2. Ford is mayor. Get over it.
3. Did you vote?
4. Totally cried on election night.
5. The Observer website is totally popular.
6. Why does readership make me feel uncomfortable?
7. Why aren't there 36 hours in the day?
8. Abstinence
9. Condoms
10. Stalking

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I miss you too!

Do ya miss me?

Well you can find me here... or here...

Lessons learned? Never let your drunk friend act as your spokeswoman with the dude you're dating.

Also, I really don't have time for dating.

But I DO have time for a girl-crush on her.

(I'm also interviewing her for an abstinence article. Ironic? Or conflict of interest)

Damn, I wish I had a cohesive theme to this blog.

(Or, could write a cohesive post, for that matter.)

Life, is a shit show.

Nobody wants to marry the funny-girl.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Got lost in a space/time continuum

I last posted on September 30th, buuuuut I only finally paid my rent today, so I guess it's still October 1st in my mind.

Jeeze I'm hyperventalating...

Where is the time going?

School... is almost halfway done!
I feel like I'm falling behind.
Or just barely meeting deadline, actually.

Here's what I've been doing instead of blogging:

1. Being sick with the nastiest cold I've ever had. And I am sick and tired of oil of oregano, strange hot beverage concoctions and not being able to sleep through the night
2. I did spend my entire Thanksgiving Monday (one of the few-and-far-between days of my life where I had no school and no work) sleeping for 18 hours. No shit. Also took an aimless thinking drive around the city wasting gas and blaring trance and hiphop. Then I worked on learning the dance to Beyonce's Single Ladies music video.
3. Writing stories and getting minimal school work done
4. A lot of fucking family dinners. Jeeze, delightful times had by all, but they really tend to take up a lot of time.
5. Fantasia Party
6. Working
7. Laundry