Saturday, September 11, 2010

If ya can't handle the videos, I suggest you don't move on...

*Warning* advertisements for feminine hygiene products ahead!

It's pretty damn clever.

Sexy men selling... pads? Hmmm. Progressive. That's gotta be a first.

And to think I came back from Montreal, thinking that we're too repressed.

It's almost as good as this.

Although, I have to admit. This is one of the few commercials that actually inspired me to buy their product.

Why am I being so shy about menstruation, when I will comfortably delve into the nitty-gritty details of my sex-life (or lack-thereof, as the case may be.)

I'm a girl. And, shockingly, once a month I have the need for tampons. And no matter what the sexy man on the TV tells me, I think that pads are gross.

And the girls who use them, are the very same girls who suffer the affliction of VPL.

So I'm at work and I need a tampon. Sometimes I'm the worst girl-scout ever. I mean, you know when it's coming, it happens, each and every month, like clock-work. You shouldn't be surprised.

Of course, I was working with a dude and a pregnant-chick, neither who could help with my dilemma. Another girl, I didn't even ask. You could just tell she was the type of chick who wore pads.

Jesus, you gotta be severely sexually-repressed if ya can't use a tampon.

I hope this isn't TMI for ya. But why are ya here if you weren't looking for controversy.

Besides, we're gonna cover much-more uncomfortable topics in the next four months, as this Beat-Magazine wears on.

It's about *whispers* SEX! (My Catholic upbringing has be blushing.)

So if ya know any sex workers.... (and you would be surprised how many of my friends reply... Oooh! I don't know if you'd be interested... BUT...*insert shocking contact here*)

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