Friday, February 18, 2011

The origins of Family Day... well, sort-of...

Holy crap, I just lost one of the most beautiful and elegant post's I've ever written in my short life. Then deleted, by mistake.

And now, it's bedtime.

As for me, don't you worry about me my faithful followers. But there's nothing shenaniganarific going on right now. I feel I've failed my motto, Procrastinate Now!!

But never fear, dear Interwebbers. For this weekend marks the anniversary of my father, and brother's birth. As well, it is a most sacred holiday that Ontarian's hold dear: Family Day. Ah, for those of us in Ontario, the Family Day Holiday is more sacred and amusing then Christmas, Hallowe'en and My Birthday combined.

So, it's the least I can do, for you, dear reader. I solemnly vow, on this sanctimonious holiday weekend commemorating the sacred bonds of family ties, to go on a bender. And make sweet shenanigany tomfoolery all throughout the land.

Wish me peace, in my noble quest.

For if I shall fail, then I shall return to this blogorator device, and make up lies about how "the weekend was epic" and "it was totally boss, fo'sho"

Family Day is nothing more than a made up holiday.

It's just a sweet, random long weekend, that attempts to break up the dreary monotony that is February.

Suicide rates, typically, are highest in February.

Why February? Blame it on Valentines Day, blame it on the Turkey Dump, blame it on exam periods.

But I blame it on the weather. Either we're knee-deep in snow, unable to stomach any more of the white stuff, so sick of the cold that your bones ache, or, in a slushy mucky funk.

February weather is terrible. Jeez, I can see how jumping off a bridge is appealing compared to February weather.

Which is exactly why we shouldn't have a stat holiday in February.

Ya, if the weather's that bad that people are killing themselves, then it's certainly not the kind of weather I would like to have a long weekend on. Like, yaaaayyyy long weekend!!! yaaaaa!!! I'm going to be soooooo cooped up for three whole days instead of two.

But what really grinds my goat about Family Day, is that it effectively replaced the Civic Holiday in August.

Now, Civic Holiday was a bullshit holiday as far as holidays go. It was never a real stat day.
But it was in August. Glorious, beautiful August. Close your eyes. Can you even picture August right now? Can you feel it? Taste it? Smell it?

It seems forever waiting.

Blazing summer days, cool crisp nights. Days getting shorter.


In conclusion, if we're going to have a bullshit, made up stat holiday, then it should be in August, not February.

Also, suicide is never funny. If February's got ya down, promise me you'll at least give March a go. When that first daffodil pops it's bed out from underground, you'll be hooked.
And then soon it'll be April, my beeday, you don't want to miss that. Then May, well, kick off to summer, hello? June, July? Rockin'! And you know my love affair with August. September the leaves start to change, Then winter's chill starts to hit, but you've got Thanksgiving, an entire holiday dedicated to a sweet, delicious meal. Hallowe'en is awesome, almost better than my birthday. Then it's November, and there's first snows, and the gear up to Christmas. And then Christmas itself, which is always somewhat of a letdown. Then New Years. Then the funk hits.

And when life gives ya funk, you get funky!!

Now, does anyone know where I can score some Mmm-d-ma?

1 comment:

  1. aaaaaaaaaaaand, she's back! welcome, it's been too long! xoxo
